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Apr 11, 2011

Nish quips !!!

I have been very lazy in updating my blog thanks to FB !! and as usual I muddle my brain as the more storage needed for my data, the more servers and hence more offices and less greener pastures(I know, crazy thinking, but that's me)

Anyway some quips / remarks / retorts from Nish that I need to record.

Rish still is very mischievous while Nish is more responsible and reliable. He is like a little adult whom I can entrust responsibilities beyond his age while our Rish is the don't-care master. whatever u say will vanish into thin air if he notices the ipod/iphone /cellphone and he is more interested in charging them. Nish on the other hand, can execute 3-4 step instructions and come back and update me :)

The other day I poured his cereal into his bowl and I was adding milk. he quietly came and closed the cereal container and kept it back in the pantry. Some days he would reach for the soy milk while I pour the cereal. Know exactly what next. very focused ! He can pack his set of spare clothes, lotion, soap and under garments if I ask him to get ready for his swim class.. A very no effort kid except for some attitude which he shows at times. very endearing kid !

Cares a lot and expects the same. Both of them woke this morn and did not want to go to school. So I said I will go and they can stay home, cook, do the laundry etc etc. Nish said they would play while rish said he would cook potato subzi. Nish immediately said "Rish, u will cut your fingers while cutting the potatoes." Thinks really far ahead. But this said, he will also punch, bite rishu's shirt and really hit him in momentary emotional surges.

The other day there was some rasam left and I was drinking it. "Mummy, if you drink all the rasam what will daddy have for his lunch ??" and then this morn I was imitating the way he used his hands so articulately when he needs to express anything. He got angry and said " Mom, stop ! concentrate on your work !" Seriously this kid is hard to get angry with.

Very very emotional. gets angry at the snap of a finger and cools down. But as he grows I need to work on this. It is always good to be emotionally stable and no matter how true your words are or how much you care - the world is mostly incapable of analyzing. Even if you are the worst person on earth and maintain your silence, the world will exalt you in most cases. And for an emotional person, it is very hard if they are genuine but still are not valued for WIP for me and him ;-)

when I had taken the kids to the doc the other day, someone asked him how old he is and he says " I am 3 but i act like a grown-up !!! My brother is 5 but he acts like a 1 yr old !!" So now I need to really watch what I talk.

A very good listener and very patient...tries really hard to swim, color etc .
takes himself and his works seriously...

It is really very cute to watch him getting angry as he points his finger and rattles of stuff that does not make sense ;-) But he has an attitude and that is also from me . But of course as I grew, I changed ! I think girls in general soften as they age and a lot more after marriage and kids. But I would like for him to change by the time he is 10. so another WIP.

The one thing he gets from his dad is the meticulousness. Does not mean the dad has not passed on any unwanted traits ;) Rish is more like his dad in many ways.
But mostly nothing affects/ effects the people around unless you are emotionally tangled :-D